Covering Dublin & Parts of Meath Available 24/7: 019039320 | Emergency call-outs: 01 9039321
Pre-NCT Checks
In order for your vehicle to be deemed roadworthy it is essential it passes an NCT test. Should you fail, your vehicle will need to have certain repairs done in order for it to be deemed roadworthy. At A Mobile Mechanic we are fully equipped to repair any issues which may be flagged during an NCT test. Customers benefit from our mobility – we will call out to you to perform the necessary work ensuring a hassle-free service.
Vehicle Checks
In addition to providing the necessary repairs A Mobile Mechanic can also check all aspects of the vehicle to ensure you will pass your next NCT. This includes:

✔ Ensure that your car has adequate oil and water. We check all fluid levels are correct, brake fluid etc. We also make sure you have windscreen wash in – they may check to see if this is working correctly.
✔ Check that all tyres are at the correct pressure.
✔ Check tread depth on tyres.
✔ Check to ensure there is no uneven wearing on your tyres.
✔ Check all lights and bulbs. Any lights that are blown are replaced there and then. Headlights are checked to make sure they are aligned properly. Often registration light bulbs are overlooked – we make sure these are working.
✔ Check car horn to make sure it is working.
✔ Check wiper blades are working correctly.
✔ Windscreen will be checked for any chips or cracks.
✔ Ensure all mirrors are in order and can be moved easily.
✔ Brakes are checked to make sure the car is completely safe. Front, Rear and handbrake are checked. Brake discs, pads and drums are inspected. Handbrake is checked to make sure the cable does not need to be adjusted.
✔ Steering is inspected; it should not be too light or too heavy.
✔ Chassis checked for any damage.
✔ All electrics, windows etc. are examined to make sure they comply with regulations.
✔ Exhaust emissions are checked.
✔ Suspension is checked. Front suspension is one of the most common reasons for failure.
✔ We check that shock absorbers are working and not leaking any oil.